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Catch Me on The Cozy Sleuth Podcast!

Hello, my friends!

It was a whirlwind end to the year, what with the holidays and a bit of work travel, so I didn’t make the time to share this, but I was recently a guest on The Cozy Sleuth podcast!

In another lifetime (i.e., during the height of COVID), I had a hobby podcast with a friend, so it was nice to return to the podcasting world for a moment.

You can take a listen to my conversation with LeAnna of The Cozy Sleuth here.

In the episode, we talk about Mai Tais & Murder, and we also touch on writing advice and my writing process. The most fun part of the conversation for me was when we talked about goal setting and how to experience self-doubt and do the thing anyway. That has been the biggest lesson I’ve learned in this author journey, and I love nothing more than talking about it and sharing what I’ve learned with others.

In fact, maybe I’ll write a series of posts about that this year! Stay tuned…

Check out the podcast.