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Doing Things My Way // aka Not Doing Social Media

A few weeks ago, I turned 35.

In the run up to the day, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I want to spend this milestone year of my life. Much of my thought process around getting older, and what I want from this life I get to live, is predicated on doing as much as possible of what I want–and as little as possible of what I don’t.

I’m hyperaware lately that this is the only life I’m going to get. I’ll only be 35 once. And, as Sibyl often says, I am the captain of this ship, and I don’t want to spend any time on obligations that I didn’t actively opt into, for either personal gain or for the sheer joy of doing it.

I love connecting with readers and other writers, but the default mode of doing that–social media–doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried for years to make social media something I love, something I’m excited to do on a regular basis. But the truth is, I’ve never succeeded at posting consistently. And discipline and consistency are two things I excel at in other areas of my life… as long as I WANT to be doing it.

General consensus on the Internet is that businessowners must be on social media in order to grow their brands. That might be true, but I don’t care. I’m not going to run a business in a way that I hate–what’s the point of that? I’d rather not have the business than have a business I hate working in.

So I’m throwing in the towel. I fought the good fight. I’ll still be on Instagram, but I’ve released myself from the tyranny of the belief that I can’t be successful without it.

I’ll be here, blogging instead. I’ll be here, doing things my way.

Just like life is too short to read books we don’t like, it’s too short to do things that leave us drained and hollow.

I hope you’ll enjoy connecting with me over here. And if not, I’ll still catch you around IG from time to time.

I hope you join me in doing things your way.